Research Committee Application Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a committee member with the CCRF. Prior to completing this application, please review the Volunteer Posting which provides further information about the Research Committee, its mandate and the time commitment required. Please complete this application form, including an up-to-date resume or Curriculum Vitae, and submit electronically by Monday, August 26, 2019. Should you have questions, contact Robert Harris, Executive Director by phone: 289-892-5675 or 416-585-7902 x 228 or email:

    Part 1: General Information

    Work Address



    Resume or Curriculum Vitae

    Part 2: Eligibility Criteria

    Part 3: Core Competencies

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    Registered Charity #118853613RR0001

    (416) 585-7902, ext.238

    Unit 6, 186 Spadina Ave.
    Toronto, ON M5T 3B2